When I was about 8 years old I remember listening to a preacher tell me I was going to Hell when I died if I didn’t have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I was quite scared and didn’t want to go to Hell so I 'asked' Jesus Christ into my life. Later, during my teenage years, questions arose about who Jesus Christ really was and why Jesus was able to be my savior from such a place. Sure I heard about Him from the Bible and it also seemed my life should be better because of my knowing about Jesus Christ and what He had done during His lifetime on earth. The problem was, my life wasn’t better and I didn’t even "feel" any different after I asked Jesus into my life. The flash of light, the loud explosion and earthquaking just wasn't there. Come to think of it, there may have been an earthquake, but that was for a different reason (something a person growing up in earthquake country is familiar with).
Failing to understand that God is holy and righteous, I naturally questioned why He would create such a place of torment as Hell.
Many years later I learned some things that I must share with you about who Jesus Christ claims to be.
Let me explain by asking you a few questions concerning God's standard of righteousness, the Ten Commandments:
Have you ever lied (even once--fibs, white lies, etc.)?
Have you ever used God's name as a curse word? This is called Blasphemy.
Ever stolen (anything--the value is irrelevant)? This next one really convicts me. Jesus said, "Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery already with her in his heart." Have you ever looked with lust before?
If you listen to your conscience and have answered "Yes" to any of these four questions, by your own admission, you are a lying, thieving, blaspheming, adulterer-at-heart; and these are only three of the Ten Commandments. When I realized this, it shocked me and bothered me in a major way. God didn’t see me as the pretty good person I imagined myself to be and he doesn’t see you that way either. Nothing we've ever done is hid or can be hid from His holy eyes and God's holy standard demands perfection as seen in His Law (The commandents). (See the full test here)
Will you be innocent or guilty on the Day of Judgment? Listen to your conscience. You know that you will be guilty, and therefore end up in Hell. However, this is not God’s will. (2 Peter 3:9) (See about Judgment Day)
He provided a way for you and I to be forgiven and escape the wrath to come! He sent His Son (the only sinless, perfect sacrifice) to take our punishment: "God commended His love toward us, in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Jesus, as God in the flesh, rose from the dead and defeated death. Yours and my own so-called "goodness", good deeds and feelings can’t get any of us into heaven. Jesus is the only way to Heaven. He IS the "Door,"---- the "mediator" between God and man--- the bridge between Heaven and Hell. There is not salvation in any other name. (Acts 4:12)
If you want God's forgiveness and salvation for yourself you can pray something like this and make it your own prayer
(see Psalm 51): "Dear God, I repent of all of my sins (confess them). This day I put my trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Please forgive me and grant me your gift of everlasting life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen." Remember, it's not your elegance in how you pray but your attitude and motive that matter. God knows your heart and sees your thoughts
Following Christ is a life, rather than a religion. It is not an easy life but it is a relationship with Almighty God who created you and will see you perfect in Christ Jesus the only sinless, perfect person to walk on the earth.
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